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Quentin Desmit
Quentin Desmit

Artworks of Fantasia

Quentin Desmit, the contemporary artist who creates timeless pieces of art that capture the technical movement and fleeting beauty of the paintbrush in the act of dancing.

Originally from Belgium, Desmit is a prolific artist who communiques through vivid colors and expressive curves, bypassing conventional words. Since his earlier works, these curves have consistently defined his style, what he calls “The Curvism”, which he continues to evolve and expand. Overcoming dyslexia as a child, Desmit spent over thirty years experimenting with various mediums until he found his voice in the dancing flow of the paintbrush, an ancient tool of creation, rich in history, which the artist has reimagined as the subject of art.

A Fine Arts and Photography graduate of the William Morris Academy, Desmit furthered his studies at the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London, earning a degree in Interior and Spatial Design. His sculptures reflect his architectural background, balancing contrasts like tradition and innovation, motion and stillness.

Since settling in the UAE in 2012, Desmit has been drawn to Arabic calligraphy, incorporating it into his visual repertoire. His series "Fantasia" takes inspiration from Disney's 1940 animated film and Goethe's poem "Sorcerer's Apprentice," reflecting the artist's exploration of freedom and control over the paintbrush flow.

Quentin Desmit

Capturing the fleeting beauty of the paintbrush in the act of dancing

"Most people express themselves with words, I express myself with vibrant colours and expressive curves."

Quentin Desmit

Quentin Desmit


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Astrid Lesuisse

+971 58 512 9312

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